More and more often, parents have reported that their child’s last hearing “test” was their newborn hearing screening (shortly after birth). Every child should have a formal hearing evaluation between the ages of 24-30 months, or sooner, if hearing difficulties are suspected. If your child’s speech does not sound like the speech of other children his/her age, or if your child does not seem to use enough words, a formal hearing evaluation is the next step. Additionally, if your child has a history of ear infections, allergies, frequent colds, AND your child has not had a formal hearing evaluation since birth, ask your pediatrician to refer him/her for a formal hearing evaluation, or locate an audiologist in your area through the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) 800-638-8255. You may also use the ASHA ProFind service on ASHA’s website,

Healthy Hearing is important to normal speech and language development, communication skills, literacy, and academic success. Problems with hearing and/or hearing loss may cause speech-language delays, difficulty with learning, as well as social issues which in turn impact a child’s self-esteem.

Speech-Language Pathologists will ask when your child’s most recent hearing evaluation was done, prior to performing a speech-language evaluation. It is important to rule out hearing loss and/or address any related hearing issues, prior to having a speech-language evaluation. Contact The Clinic for Speech-Language & Swallowing Disorders for more information (808) 887-0920 or via email: